Since Master Fob already spilled the beans...

Many of you all read both my blog and his, but I thought I would share my thoughts on our big news today as well. Today was the official 20 week ultrasound, supposedly meant to look for potential health problems but really just an excuse to figure out what's in between baby's legs. The truth is, a few weeks ago I had Skye give me a sneak peek ultrasound while she was at work. At that time, we didn't see anything that would not be a girl, so we just assumed that it was a girl. But, it was still early and neither of us are experts, so I haven't been telling many people. So today we went in to the doctor's office and took another look. This time it was much more obviously not a girl. I'm still recovering. I think it will be fine--I'm just a little sad that we won't be able to use all of our adorable girl clothes again any time soon. And we are having a lot more trouble coming up with a boy name than a girl one. And we have to decide how we feel about circumcision. And I can't use my heirloom blessing dress on him. But that's OK. I will still love him just as much as I do S-Boogie. Master Fob is very, very excited. And, most importantly, this is the second time the "Chinese gender chart" has worked in our favor.


Christian said…
I repeat . . . Edgy. Or E. Kibby. Or Kibster. But not Kibbles 'n' Bits. That's just wrong.

Congratulations to you too. :)
Rutager - $500
Lunkwill said…
Circumcision!??!?! Nooooooo..........

I am very, very firmly against it. Very. Enough that I don't even want to ask why you might want to, because then I'd want to overbearingly try to convince you that those reasons couldn't possibly outweigh the reasons against it.
AmyJane said…
Yay! Congrats on the happy news! I was unsure when I found out my first was a little boy but I have loved every little blue blanket and outfit and he is a doll. Also, now you get to buy/recieve lots of new baby clothes and save the little girl things for another time. I made my husband promise to give me the pink kind next time cuase I think one of both is great!
As for circumcision, my husband felt strongly in favor, and I let him make the decision, since he's the only one with experience there. He said it was hard to watch but the recovery was very fast and all seems well now. I think you have to think about where you'll be living and what the customs are in that area of the country. Also, my OB told me that it's most important that boys look like their brothers, since they will see each other naked a lot more than thier dad. Good luck with that one.
Anonymous said…
Congratulations! We're very excited for you guys.

Cricket said…
Super congrats to you all!!!

You gotta give the boy a real manly name like Frances or Shannon, I think my favorite is Kelly...
Cicada said…
Th. said…

I'm not going to go nuts about snipping like I did on Master Fob's blog--I'm sure you've already seen it anyway--but don't do it.

And why would he see his brothers naked so much? Or his father? In my experience as a prudish American, I never saw either except on one unfortunate occasion....

As for names, I feel ya. We have the first three girl names chosen and in order, but boy names have been a huge struggle.

And there's only one so far.
Ah, but you forget, Th., that we do not wear clothes in the Fob household.
Th. said…

Oh yes.

Well, see, actually I choose to forget such things.

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