Rise and shout

I am not a morning person. Anyone who has ever lived with me--friends, family, former roommates, Master Fob--can tell you that it is fruitless to try and talk with me until I have been awake for nearly an hour. No matter how much sleep I get, although the grumpiness does increase with less sleep, I just don't like to wake up. And I usually wake up in a bad mood.
Also, over the years I have decided that the best way to avoid being too much of a wolverine in the mornings is to be able to follow my own little routine. Ideally, I like to be able to get myself out of the bed, stumble immediately to the bathroom and take a long, leisurely shower. For some reason I need a long, hot shower to really wake up and feel good about the day. Ideally this shower would be followed by a quiet bowl of cereal and maybe some time to sit in solitude and read my scriptures.
This whole routine thing is a big reason why I hate camping. You can't usually get right up and take a nice hot shower. Also, it's usually really cold in the mornings when you are camping, and you also have to eat nasty food like bacon and eggs for breakfast. Camping mornings generally are not conducive to a good mood for me.
The problem that I've had lately is that S-Boogie has no reverance for the sanctity of Mommy's routine. I'm usually kicked out of bed early in the morning by someone with a smelly diaper who is demanding "bressik". My shower time is often cut short by other people needing the bathroom so they can get ready for work, or it is interrupted by pounding on the door and a little voice yelling "Mommy, mommy" at me until I exit the bathroom. Too often, my quiet bowl of cereal is accompanied by that same little person splashing milk around. I tried getting up earlier to preserve my quite, peaceful mornings. But when I decided to get up at 7, S-Boogie decided that she needs to get up at 6:30. I don't know if I can get up any earlier than that, especially because she'd probably get up even earlier. Lately we're not sure if she sleeps at all, but instead spends the entire night crouched behind the door in a state of readiness for breakfast time.
I think what I really need to do is to find a new way to wake up in a good mood, and if I don't, then I need to find a way to avoid letting my bad mood linger throughout the day. Or maybe I should just rent the apartment next door and I'll come home each morning only when I'm cheerfully awake.
Does she respond to legislation?
HOWEVER, I REALLY like your idea of renting the apartment next door! Why didn't I think of that!
(I was never a morning person either, but forced myself to be, in order to raise my kids. Trouble was, I also remained a night person. I think that's called 'burning the candle at both ends'.)