Teach your children

Lately S-Boogie's big passion is reading books. She can read books for hours on end. While I love this new hobby of hers, I am unable to read to her for hours on end. Especially since each book she likes usually only takes a few minutes, so it takes many books to fill an hour. And I'm realizing that no matter how clever a particular picture book is, it loses its charm somewhere around the 50th reading or so. She knows all of her letters, so I've been subtly trying to introduce her to some of the skills that will help her figure out the whole reading code. She likes to sound out the letters of a word, so when she does I'll usually tell her what the word is (like F-O-O-T means "foot"). Now she knows how to spell things out, but unfortunately she has no grasp of phonics and hasn't made the magic connection yet. This morning she looked at her vitamin and read off the numbers listed on it, then proudly announced "vitamin!". And today she spelled out the title of a book, "A-N-G-E-L-O" and than said "guy!" while pointing to the character on the cover. Someday she'll get it--there's still a lot of time left for her.

And, in case you are threatened by my two-year-old's excellent verbal skills, I will admit that there are a lot of things she doesn't do yet that worry Master Fob and I a little bit. She can't jump, has little interest in coloring or art, and has no interest in not pooping in her pants. I think she's turning out like me--large vocabulary, no coordination. Oh well, maybe someday she'll get on Jeopardy and earn lots of money. Then it won't matter that she doesn't know how to jump.


Christian said…
And really, does it matter if you can jump when you're so dang cute?

(The pooping, on the other hand, does.)
Cricket said…
Miss R was an early talker with a large vocabulary from the start, too.

She also happens to be the most clumsy child on the planet. Falling at least 90 times a day even from standing still! I hope she can meld the talent of her vocabulary and falling without getting hurt and become a comic or something- I picture Dick Van Dyke .
Lady Steed said…
Well I am threatened by S-Boogie's advanced learning and knowledge! Big-O does not know his letters and doesn't comunicate like S-Boogie does. He has a very small vocabulary (Choo-choo! Mine! NO! More! Pleez!). I am so very impressed with S-Boogie. I wish Big-O would start progressing faster in the vocabulary area.

Perhaps I wouldn't be quite so frustrated if his cousin who is about three months younger than him didn't speak so well. We all thought this child was going to be brain damaged due to complications during birth. (These complications could have been avioded but his parents insisted on them.) He was really really slow in things like, holding up his head, rolling over, reaching out, crawling and walking. But this kid can say most anything you ask him to, knows his colors, some numbers and probably his alphabet too! It's very impressive.

Sigh, my child is going to be a jock! He has great physical abilities: he walks and runs perfectly, can jump, loves spinning in circles, can walk backwards, can throw a small football very well and can even put a spin on it! He loves to color and takes great pride in his artwork. And while all of these are good, as Th. put, "Wouldn't you rather, at the end of the day, that your child could talk to you?"

And I had to agree with him.

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