Shuffle off to ...wherever it is that you are going

Yesterday on another bulletin board that I pop in on from time to time someone asked the question "If your husband could be pregnant and have kids, would you want him to take a turn?" The funny thing was that most of the women responding were rather forceful in their possession of the sole ability to bear children and wouldn't want to share it. I thought it seemed like a great idea. Partly because I want Master Fob to share in that wonderful miracle that is pregnancy, and partly because being pregnant is really not that comfortable.

I don't feel that bad most of the time, and I don't even mind the fact that I'm getting fatter. But, I am getting tired of being constipated (my fancy new vitamins did nothing for me) and of feeling like I waddle when I walk. I've discovered that your pelvis is actually made up of several bones all held together by cartilage and ligaments. And when you are pregnant, this hormone called relaxin starts softening all of those things up. My pelvis is getting soft and shaky. As a result of this, my hips and such hurt when I walk. Not only that, but having a growing baby pressing down on your lower abdomen does unpleasant things to everything down there. I think that for the next few months I will be shuffling/waddling every where I go. I realized this the other day because I was trying to hurry to class, and while all my fellow students were striding confidently along the sidewalk, I was shuffling along like a bowlegged duck. So if you see me limping across campus, don't ask. Otherwise I will be forced to tell you that I'm just fine (except for having hemorrhoids, being constipated, and having a very loose pelvis).


Cricket said…
ahhh the joys of pregnancy.

I have often wished for Freelancer to be pregnant so that he will understand the crazy love that develops almost immediately and get to feel the miracle of another human moving around inside you.

I'm ready to see a profile or belly shot now.... anyone else?
FoxyJ said…
Savvymom, I really don't envy your lack of sleep. I'm already praying that this baby likes to sleep more than Sophie did. Otherwise, I really will go insane.
JB said…
I'm ready for a belly shot or profile too. Wanna show one?

Also, the constipation thing and the hips thing sound terrible. I'd offer lots of ideas, but I don't have them and you might not be able to take them or have probably tried them anyway...

You're due in June, right?

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