Has anyone seen my motivation?

It seems to have slipped out the back door when I wasn't looking. This morning I turned off my alarm instead of going out walking. Also, I've now managed to blow two "no treat days" in a row this week. Yesterday someone offered me a brownie and I scarfed it down without thinking twice. About an hour later I realized that I was supposed to be saying "no" to treats all day. Then tonight S-Boogie and I had dinner from Jack in the Box. I'm not sure if it counts or not, though, because it wasn't a pleasant experience. I only do fast food once every few months, and each time I remember why I hate it so much. Tonight I was supposed to meet a lady after she got off work in order to buy a baby bunting she was selling on craigslist. It's a pretty nice thick bunting from REI, so it should keep Little Dude warm for the rest of the winter. After picking up the bunting, I realized that we were only a few blocks away from Jack in the Box and that we didn't have any leftovers waiting at home for us. So I decided to go through the drive through to get us dinner. My first mistake was forgetting that going around the block to get to the restaurant would take an insanely long time due to the wacky one way streets and the evening traffic. By the time we reached the drive through Little Dude was shrieking inconsolably. Then I had to order from the menu. One of the reasons why I hate fast food is that I'm terrible at making quick decisions under pressure. I haven't eaten at Jack in the Box since sometime in the mid-1990s, so I have no idea what's on their menu. Plus I only had eight dollars on me, and I quickly realized that it wasn't going to go very far. I got S-Boogie a kids meal and ordered myself a shake. The screen was adding up the total for me, and I realized that I had less than two dollars to get myself something to eat. Cars were lining up behind me while I scanned the dollar menu. I decided on the two tacos for a dollar deal, since I know several people who are big fans of Jack in the Box tacos. Then I got to wait an insanely long time at the window while Little Dude wailed and S-Boogie shouted "Drive the car, mom" over and over again. And then on the way home we got kind of lost because I forgot about the stupid intersection where you aren't supposed to turn left for some unknown reason. By the time we got home Little Dude had fallen asleep, but was still gasping and hiccuping with sorrow. I hope no one I know was in our parking lot and heard me shriek "dammit" when I realized that S-Boogie had taken off her shoes and socks and had locked her door from the inside. I also hope that S-Boogie doesn't pick up that particular word from her frazzled mommy. So we eventually got inside, where I discovered that S-Boogie's kid meal didn't come with any sort of toy. Luckily she didn't care, since the novelty of curly fries was amusement enough for her. Then I opened up my tacos. I think they surpass the grossness that was the Thai food we tried from the Seattle Center food court on Monday. Picture a tough and greasy corn tortilla sealed around pasty meat (it felt like refried beans but tasted vaguely like beef), a few limp strands of warm lettuce, and violently spicy hot sauce. Are all Jack in the Box tacos this bad, or did I hit them on an off night? I choked both tacos down with the help of my Oreo shake (at least that was tasty) and then finished off S-Boogie's untouched chicken nuggets. Add that to my fish stick lunch and my grease quotient for the day is more than filled.

The truth is, I think I've been off kilter all week because we have an appointment to see a counselor on Friday. I'm dying from the stress already, and each day closer to Friday it gets worse. Part of it is the stress of arranging for someone to watch our kids. Thankfully we can shift S-Boogie's school schedule around, and I found a good friend to watch Little Dude. I'm worried about him, because lately he's had major stranger issues and will freak out when anyone besides me or Master Fob holds him. I worry that he's going to sob uncontrollably the entire time we're gone, and that makes it even harder to resist picking up the phone and chickening out on my appointment. I don't think Master Fob is going to come every time, but the counselor wants us to both come in for the first appointment. I'm feeling really freaked out because I majorly stress about discussing my problems and feelings with anyone. But this is why I'm going in--because for too long all my frustrations and stresses have been stuffed inside and they're leaking out way too often these days. I just hope I can keep myself together until Friday. It's a good thing I don't have TV right now, because all I want to do is curl up on the couch with a big bowl of Golden Grahams and vegetate. Since that's the best way to get my motivation back, after all.


Anonymous said…
Hang in there. Counseling can be a great experience if you have someone that you're comfortable with. For years I put it off. When I finally went, I regreted not doing it years ago. It was a life changer and positive experience for me. Toot-a-loo! From, Lika.
Earth Sign Mama said…
It can be a great experience but can also a very stressful experience and might feel bad initially. But persist...it is of infinite value to have a disinterested party listen to you. And if you don't feel compatible with the person--change people.

Yes, JITB tacos have always tasted that way. Nevertheless, there was something about that taste when I was pregnant that hit the spot. They in no way resemble any Mexican food I've ever had.
If she doesn't pick it up from you she will from me.
Braden said…
Yeah, I think Jack's tacos are revolting. The Jumbo Jack burgers are great, though, and a good value. (And yes, the Oreo shake is probably my favorite.)
Anonymous said…
My husband and I are in a similar situation as you and yours. I find that the occasional counseling session really helps me keep on track with my self-evaluation. It's important for you to be good with yourself, then with your kids. Don't skip the appointment
Jenny said…
Wow. That's a lot of crappy things in one day. I almost lost my breakfast as I read your post. Why do three year old girls have to know all the rules of driving? Drives me crazy sometimes.

Lately she likes to scream STOP at the top of her lungs when we approach a red light. She sits right behind me to, so it's awesome.

It won't kill LD to cry for an hour and a half or two. I'm sure it will do way more damage if you don't go tomorrow.
About the food, this totally works for me as of late, but obviously I have two bags of treats in the house for emergencies as I detox from all the junk food. They are rich enough that it only takes like one or two to get the fix, and then I don't have to feel as guilty because it's not like I just ate a half a pan of cinnamon rolls and it will get me through to our Monday night treat.
I hope the weekend is kinder to you. Sounds like a record crap day. Driving with a tired, crying baby and a toddler makes me so crazy.
Kengo Biddles said…
#1 _IF_ S-Boogie picks it up, at least it's not as "heavy" as the one that my Ginta's picked up on his own...he's been practicing his sibilants and has learned to make the SH sound. Coupled with his saying of T ... you get the picture.

Not as bad as Thmazing's "Dumptruck" adventure, but close.

Counseling has always been wonderful for me. Don't cancel (like all the others have said)

Lil Dude's wailing is similar to what Ginta does. We just had to find someone that could tolerate a screaming one year old for a few hours. Kids are resilient. They bounce back. And Ginta's FINALLY getting over that and can go visit Mamie for a few hours while Miki gets a sanity break.

Chin up, you'll get there. (And to paraphrase Bill Cosby, "Golden Grahams are healthy...they've got Wheat in them, and Eggs, and Milk, if you drink some with it. That's healthy!"
Earth Sign Mama said…
YES!! Chocolate Cake for Breakfast!
Dad is great!
Feeds us chocolate cake!

Watch out for the fire shooting from someone's eyes, though.
Jenny said…
Earth Sign Mama, I seriously thought my Dad invented that song up until this moment. Where does it come from?
SenecaSis said…
My motivation left me ages ago. Perhaps it's only now made it across the ocean to find yours and run away together.

Let me know if you find where they went...
SenecaSis said…
p.s. I ditto the advice to keep your appointment with the counselor. Having that "other" person/party to help you sort out distorted thoughts and feelings can be very helpful in de-stressing (just remember what ESMama says about finding a compatible person). It's helped me, overall--not to find my motivation, necessarily; but to keep from running away after it into oblivion.
Desmama said…
I love that Cosby skit! I love the song! Jenny, I'll figure out a way to get that one to you.

FoxyJ, I felt the same way with therapy--it was just more effort than I wanted to put forth. I resisted it until I finally just went and realized . . . it wasn't so bad. And I felt better afterward. I don't know. But I remember feeling like I just didn't have the energy to find a sitter and get everything arranged. And then, I was glad I did. And I'm rambling.
M.family, the song comes from Bill Cosby. At least that's where I know it from. Whether or not that is the original source, I am unsure.
Earth Sign Mama said…
We used to have a cassette tape of Bill Cosby routines that we listened to in the car on long trips. The song is part of a long ramble about his not wanting to have to get up and feed the children breakfast one day when his wife wanted to sleep in. It involves caving in to children and feeding them whatever they asked for and it is hilarious...Title: Chocolate Cake for Breakfast. I hope it can still be found out there in cyberspace. I don't know where our tape is now.
Kengo Biddles said…
It's also from the routine called "Bill Cosby: Himself" we bought it on DVD over at Target, so it's out there. HILARIOUS, and so _very_ _very_ true.

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