What is he trying to tell us?

Lately I'm beginning to think Little Dude is secretly a Muslim. He keeps saying "Allah" and "halal".

Then this afternoon it sounded like he was chanting "A Jew, A Jew".



Earth Sign Mama said…
He's getting the secret mind-meld messages Auntie Skye is sending from Morocco...
Kristeee said…
How funny. My little brother tended towards the European. He'd say "Hagen dagen dagen" and called his bear "Me-how" which is apparently "Michael" (his name) in Polish. He grew out of it though.

Infant Development studies say, however, that if you want him to be able to really get into a foreign language later, the first year is the time to introduce him to the sounds. As you know, there are certain sounds that do or don't exist in each language; if kids are exposed to them in their first year, it trains their brain to be able to hear and make those sounds later in life.
Kengo Biddles said…
I'd much rather my son embrace another religion than what he's doing now...the whole scatollogical curse-word approximants (that he doesn't hear from us...) are really less than desireable.
Petra said…
That's right! Teach Little Dude Arabic's voiceless uvular stop and pharyngeal fricatives now, before it's too late.

(Also, no Muslim would be surprised at this blog post. If I were smart enough to use HTML code to make that into a link, I would. But I'm not, so here you go:http://www.islam101.com/dawah/newBorn.htm)
skyeJ said…
I could get someone to tell me (YET again) the exact phrase you say when you convert. Apparently, once you've said it and you live the five Pillars of Islam that's it. You're saved. Well, converted. Allah decides. Then you could start him off early. All my Moroccan friends still ask about you two because I told them the exciting birth story the first month I got here.

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