Our vegetarian Easter feast

I really love to cook, and I especially love to cook for the holidays. For me one of the things that makes a day special is a tasty home-cooked meal spent with those you love. This year I really thought hard about what to eat for Easter. We both love ham, but we're trying to move away from commercially processed meat.( Plus it was only us and the kids, so I didn't feel like making a ham just for four people and I just did ham for Christmas). But then I found a cool recipe in The Joy of Cooking for "baked stuffed eggs". Basically you just make a white sauce, make deviled eggs using a few spoonfuls of the white sauce in place of the mayonnaise, and then bake the eggs in a pan with the rest of the sauce poured over them. I thought it was pretty tasty, although I think next time I would like to add some fresh herbs and perhaps some sauteed onion to the sauce. We also had roasted asparagus, a fruity jello with strawberries and pineapple, and rolls (shaped like bunnies). S-Boogie ate up all of her food and was very impressed with her bunny roll. I was worried that she'd be traumatized by eating the Easter eggs she'd just dyed, but she thought that was cool.

For dessert we had Easter basket cupcakes. I actually made them because I had to contribute a dessert to a dinner our ward was sponsoring over at the Ronald McDonald House and cupcakes seemed like a fun idea. They weren't spectacular in taste, but they were certainly festive and the kids enjoyed them. S-Boogie ate everything except the frosting and coconut and Little Dude only ate the frosting and coconut from his. Kids can be so weird.

We did have a somewhat spiritual Family Home Evening between dinner and dessert. S-Boogie can remember a number of details about the Easter story, although when we told her the picture was a tomb not a cave she retorted "well, I call it a cave". She also made up a song about the Easter Bunny when I said I didn't know one. I did take pictures of our egg hunt experience on Saturday and their new Easter clothes; they're on the kids' blog. If you want to know where to find it, just email me.


Carina said…
We had ham, OF COURSE. How else would my people celebrate?
Kengo Biddles said…
S-Boogie is so precocious. I'm glad y'all had a good Easter. We were sick, and en plus it was Miki's Birthday.

So we compromised and had ham and potato salad with triple chocococoadeath cake.
Earth Sign Mama said…
I'm so glad to see some bunny bread was made somewhere...because another thing you cannot do with one hand is knead dough.
Lindsay said…
LOVE that bunny bread!
We had a veggie filled stir fry with peanut sauce over brown rice. Oh. It. Was. Good. And scones with homemade-to-die-for honey butter for dessert. I actually didn't do ANYTHING traditional for Easter this year. The kids found eggs out in the yard, but I skipped the baloney about the Easter Bunny and drew them a treasure map instead. Scallywag yelled ARGGHHH!!!! the whole time he was digging under the X in the back yard.

The bunnies rolls are cute.
ambrosia ananas said…
The bunny rolls are so cute.
Ice Cream said…
Chocolate covered chow mein noodle nests were about as creative as I got this year. I'm just so glad that a friend had us over for dinner or we probably would have eaten cold cereal this year.
rantipoler said…
Those are REALLY cute rolls. When I was a kid I had a kid's cookbook and would make bread in the shape of a teddy bear (with mom's help, of course).

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