Extreme makeover--face edition

For some reason, I have always felt like going to the doctor is a rare occurence that should be preserved for obvious, life-threatening conditions that are causing major pain. I feel funny going to the doctor for littler annoyances and so I usually don't. But, I've had a weird rash by my mouth for the last month or so that wasn't going away. It's mostly been an aesthetic problem, since it doesn't hurt or anything, but after a month I decided maybe it was time to do something about it. Today I had an appointment with the dermatologist. I was a little nervous about going, because I was afraid he would laugh at me for coming in over something so small and trivial. Well, it was a short appointment, but I did find out that I have perioral dermatitis, which won't go away unless you treat it. So, I could have waited for months and it never would have gone away. Unfortunately I can't do the quicker antibiotic treatment since I'm pregnant, but with special cream and stuff it should clear up totally within a month or two. And the dermatologist also figured out that what I thought was just stubborn acne on my chin is an outbreak of viral warts. Nice. Those can't be treated simultaneously with the rash, but after the other thing gets cleared up I can treat them. So in a few months I should have totally clear skin. That's pretty cool. I had just assumed that my skin was kind of yucky and there was nothing I could do about it. I'm glad I decided to "bother" the doctor with my little complaints.


Cricket said…
good news for Foxy! I'm the same way about going to the Dr. Glad you have something wrong

That didn't sound right but it's a good thing cuz it can be fixed.
Cicada said…
At least you didn't find out that your problems were caused by a nut stuck in the back of your throat.
Desmama said…
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Desmama said…
I think I've had that before--and it was when I was prego with #1. It disappeared, but it sounds like it can reappear later on. Now I'll know to get it treated. Yeah, I'm glad you visited the doctor too. ;)
Katria said…
You are a brave, brave soul. Doctors scare the living daylights and nightlights and in-between lights out of me.
TK said…
I'm glad you were able to solve that 'mystery' and there's an answer for it!

I know what you mean about 'not wanting to bother the doctor'. How many times do we (especially as mothers) go, or take our children, only to be looked at like we're hypochondriacs. But then on those times we decide 'it's nothing', the doctor looks at us and says, 'Why didn't you come in sooner!'

Sometimes, I wished I had married a doctor, just so I'd know when to worry, and when to ignore it! (Plus who doesn't have more to do than sit waiting in a doctor's office for 2 hours, with 4 children, only to be told 'It's nothing to worry about'?

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