Worst. Paper. Ever.

Well, it's done and it's totally crappy. But I don't care and I'm going to go turn it in now. I think that this class cured me of any sort of fascination with linguistics I might have had. Then again, even the students doing Spanish linguistics told me that they wouldn't want to take a grad level syntax class. So maybe I was crazy to take it, but at least I survived. I don't think I did badly enough to fail (crossing my fingers); hopefully this professor won't hate me forever now.


Cicada said…
I'm really glad that you wrote this because I'm in the middle of finishing up a paper that I know will not be great. So it's nice to know that other people out there are doing similar things. Tis the season.
Cicada said…
I'm still finishing the paper. And I just wanted to point out that I think I have been saying the same thing over and over and over and over again throughout. I hope the teacher won't notice, but he probably will. Oh well.
JB said…
I like Spanish linguistics. I probably would have been tempted by such a class, had I gone to school for an advanced Spanish degree.
TK said…
I hope I haven't refered to this before, but I just read an article in the Ensign about women feeling they have to do it all. It said a woman shouldn't have to 'sing all the verses of her song at one time'. (I liked how that was put.)

So let's see: you're pregnant; you're a wife; you're a mother; you're working in Primary; you're a grad student; you're a hostess; etc., etc. I think it's okay if you don't do your very best work on EVERYTHING at the same time! And right now that paper probably isn't the most important verse of your song, anyway.
Mrs. Hass-Bark said…
As a Spanish linguist, I must say that I hated syntax last semester. The concept of syntax is interesting to me, but the teacher was a real jerk and didn't want to explain anything to us. But I can imagine how much I would hate taking a lit class right now, so I'm totally impressed!
Jenny said…
The last paper I turned in was officially my worst paper ever. I bet it sucked more than yours did if it makes you feel any better.
skyeJ said…
Do professors actually HATE their students that don't get A's? I never hated any of the swim kids I failed. I just didn't think they had the skill to go on to the next level. I loved them ALL. I didn't like the passing kids who excelled any more than I liked the kids who totally SUCKED. They were ALL my favorite. I hope that professors of Spanish lit are the same way....

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