One of the features of our new apartment is a working garbage disposal. It's been a few years since we've had one, and Mr. Fob and I are suddenly discovering a new source of marital conflict. According to Mr. Fob, movies and television have taught him that you should never stick your hand in the garbage disposal, even if it is turned off. I prefer to rely on common sense and the fact that the off switch means "off" and stick my hand in to make sure no utensils are hiding before turning it on. Mr. Fob thinks I'm crazy. What do you think? Do you stick your hand in the garbage disposal or do you like to grind up your spoons and forks?
Thought #1
Students in elementary school will run and scream everyday---teachers just hope that the students will be outside at recess when that occurs.
Thought #2
When I was a child growing up at 7000 feet elevation in the lovely Rocky Mountains, there was exactly one Easter Sunday that I remember with bare grass showing in our yard. Most of our family's Easter photos (with all six sisters lined up in our new dresses) is taken in a yard filled with snow. It rarely melted until the second week. This is why I've tried to live the rest of my life since then in Southern California or close to it.