
A few weeks ago I got a coupon in the mail for a Thai restaurant a few blocks away on State Street. It's been pinned to my bulletin board taunting me ever since, so last night I decided that we needed to ignore our budget woes and go out for Thai food. I think it's called Bangkok Grill, and it hasn't been open for a very long time (well, maybe a year). When we first got there, the entire place was empty, which was kind of nice since we had S-Boogie with us. It also meant that our service was fast and we got all our food quickly, another plus. The food, however, was only OK. We wanted chicken satay, but they were out of chicken so we got pork. The meat was so-so, I thought, but the peanut sauce was very tasty. We also got a green curry with beef and some Pad Thai. The curry was fairly good too, but the Pad Thai definitely wasn't my favorite. The amount of fish sauce on it had crossed the line from delightful accent to nauseatingly rotten flavor. We put the rest of our peanut sauce on it and that made things much better. If I were a restaurant reviewer, I'd probably only give them one-and-a-half stars. I think I still prefer Thai Chili Gardens the best, but Thai Ruby comes in a close second.

After S-Boogie was in bed, Master Fob and I watched a surprisingly funny DVD:
Sons of Provo. I laughed and laughed, and didn't hate it at all. Not the best movie ever made, but pretty darn funny. And they only try to be funny without throwing in any sort of other message, so it works. The songs are my favorite part--you can check out the lyrics on the website if you want. One of my favorite little moments from the movie is when they are singing "Sweet Spirit" and the camera pans to the audience: two hot looking girls are totally bored, and the more "boring" girls behind them are swaying in rapture. It's great. If you check out the DVD, be sure to spend some time exploring the various menu options. There's some funny stuff there too.

And, I really have been watching most of conference, even though I managed to sleep through pretty much all of yesterday afternoon's session. I've been surprised and pleased by the recurring theme of tolerance, patience and kindness. I really liked the talk this afternoon about how differences of opinion or belief are no reason to be rude, hateful or to make fun of others. I hope more people (myself included) can take those words to heart. Personally, I think I was actually most touched by Elder Holland's talk this morning about coming closer to Christ so we can have our burdens relieved. I really needed to hear that today, and I do feel more inspired to do more to come closer to Him. I realized a little while ago that I actually can't even remember the last time I went to the temple, so I know it's been a while. I really should go at least one more time before this baby shows up, because it's harder to do with a little one.


Th. said…

We live very close to a Thai restaurant but this whole Month of Abject Poverty thing has messed that dream up.

I haven't seen Sons of Provo (how would I?), but now I'm willing.

I'm glad to hear you all got something out of conference. I was too busy typing to actually feel anything.

Tangled webs and so forth....
skyeJ said…
Thai food. mmhm. (that means I'm pining away for it)

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