I've Been Tagged!

I've been tagged by two different people for two different things, so I think I'll put them both in one post.

First of all, Amyjane tagged me with this unusual one about books.

* Find the nearest book to you.
* Name the book and author.
* Turn to page 123.
* Go to the fifth sentence on the page.
* Copy out the next 3 sentences and post to your blog.
* Tag someone else.

Unfortunately, I'm in the midst of wild thesis writing and am not currently reading anything for fun at all. Just boring books, like:

Contemporary Spanish Film From Fiction by Thomas Deveny
"Nevertheless, Juanita, Carlos's lover and a member of the troupe, succinctly captures their misery with the lament, "Tengo hambre, Carlos" (I'm hungry Carlos). She later complains "Esto no es un oficio, Carlos. Somos vagabundos" (This is not an occupation, Carlos. We're bums.), and says that people prefer the movies, and she does too. Ironically, she abandons Carlos "with somebody from the movies" in order to work at a bar in Rota (where there are American sailors with money), and this is the first in a series of death blows to both the troupe and Carlos."

After Babel by George Steiner
"This stratum would, under stress of generation and reciprocal stimulus (French coming in from the outside), 'fold upward' and become the momentary surface, the visible contour of the mental terrain. When I reverted to German or English, an analogous process would occur. But with each linguistic shift or 'new folding', the underlying stratification has, in some measure, altered"

I don't think I quite understand the appeal of this...

I also got tagged by JB to share six things about myself. This is cool, because even though I already revealed one hundred facts, I'm narcissistic enough to think of six more:

1. I hate folding laundry and I'm really bad at it. I just wad things up and shove them in drawers. Which is OK because S-Boogie and Little Dude's dresser is broken and one of the drawers has been sitting on top for several months now so it's even easier to shove the wadded up clothes in there. I also don't like to iron and Master Fob usually wears wrinkled shirts because he doesn't have time for ironing anymore.
2. I'm bad at parking my car, and parking makes me get panicky and embarrassed. The other week I broke down crying in the library parking lot because they have horrible, narrow spots on an incline and when I was trying to get into one my tire banged in the curb and this entire family standing on the sidewalk all stopped and stared at me trying to park. Whew!
3. My hair is definitely not wash-and-wear and I'm self-conscious about it. It holds a lot of water, for one thing. When it was long, I'd put it up in a bun and it would still be dripping wet at the end of the day. Now that it's short I have to blow dry it every morning and I feel embarrassed about always bringing my blow dryer along when I go on trips. But if I don't do my hair I feel ugly. And if I don't wash it every day it gets greasy and I feel ugly.
4. I think of numbers or calendar items on a continual line in my brain and when I'm trying to add or figure out what date came first, I just scoot things around. It's hard to explain.
5. I'm really good at remembering facts about people, so I feel like a stalker when I meet someone for the second time and I remember everything about them and they don't remember anything about me.
6. I won an award from the Rotary club for being the best student/citizen in my eighth-grade graduating class. I got some money and I had to give a speech at graduation. I'm still proud of this award because it was something teachers nominated you for and I feel humbled that enough people noticed me and thought I was a good person to give an award to. I was also voted "most friendly" by my class and I still have the teddy bear they gave me as an award.

I'm not going to tag anyone with these, but they're welcome to try them out. Oh, and you should read all about my mom and my sister because they are even cooler than me!


Kristeee said…
I totally feel your pain about your thick, water-retaining hair. I can't just wash my hair and go anywhere, especially not to bed. I'd wake up with really scraggly hair and I'd be cold all night. My favorite hair invention though, is this I wash my hair at night and then use this during a TV show or reading a book and it's all straight and dry and nice enough to sleep on and still look good.
I am the ultimate authority on how cool you all are and I say that you are all equally, awesomely cool....
Earth Sign Mama said…
Remember when I drove over the curb into the iceplant at Mary Foust's house in San Diego? I was backing out of their driveway on a really steep street and I accidentally got one rear tire over the curb and couldn't go forward or backward--too slippery. I finally had to call a tow-truck to lift up the car and put it back on the street. BLEH...
TK said…
Why are you embarrased about bringing a hair dryer along on trips? Doesn't everybody? At least you don't have to also bring tons of make-up, hairspray, etc. like a lot of us have to, just to look presentable!
Th. said…

I'm using an old notebook as a mousepad. On page 123 begins a short story called "But enough of that..."

The fifth sentence:

I work at Techmire Ind. Inc.--in the London offices (London, England--for some reason people always ask me: is that in Maine?).

Sounds like a classic! Maybe I'll type that one up next!

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