Thoughts from Sunday

Arrive at church late, even though I woke up quite early. Instead of jumping in the shower right away I lounged on the internet reading NY Times Sunday content. Because I am mad at myself I arrive at church in a bad mood.

Spend most of sacrament meeting alternating between feeling really nauseated by the strong smell of cigarette smoke coming from the person in front of me and feeling really bad about not wanting to sit by them ever again.

Laugh at the newly married guy who confesses that the recent fireside he and his wife attended was "the first Institute activity I ever went to where I wasn't checking out girls." Just about as funny as the poor guy in our last ward who told the entire ward he got his wife pregnant on their wedding night.

Reflect on the fact that even though this guy and his wife both just got married at 28 and that's not all that old by worldly standards, they're probably both now really relieved because that's a long time to wait by Mormon standards.

Make a somewhat rude remark in an effort to play down Master Fob's attempt to complement me in Sunday School class. Feel bad for quashing his good intentions with my need to draw negative attention to myself.

Decide I enjoy small Sunday School classes the most, especially when they are not Gospel Doctrine. When we lived in Wymount we were ward missionaries, which mainly involved holding a small Gospel Principles class with a few other couples in the ward. I love small class settings like that where you generally get the same people to participate with. Right now we're in a Family Relations class led by the bishop's wife and I'm really enjoying it. I didn't mind Gospel Doctrine, but I like this class quite a lot.

Feel dumb in Relief Society after realizing that I gave the same long-winded comment a few months ago in a similar lesson.

After Relief Society feel a little weird when a sister asks how I am doing and I respond with a big spiel about my thesis. Thankfully she's genuinely interested and knows what I'm talking about, and agrees that Pan's Labyrinth is an excellent movie. She also loves Pedro Almodovar, and I'm too embarrassed to confess that I have yet to see any of his movies for fear of things like transvestite nuns and oversize vaginas (at least that's only in one movie and we aren't planning to watch that one).

Wonder if everyone else goes home from church feeling half spiritually well-fed and half emotionally exhausted from dealing with the social intricacies of Church membership.


And I complement you so well!
Mrs. Hass-Bark said…
*raises hand*

That's pretty much how I feel every Sunday. Especially the exhausted part.
Th. said…

Theric replies:

"Arrive at church late, even though I woke up quite early...."

Except I never wake up early.

"Laugh at the newly married guy who confesses that the recent fireside he and his wife attended was "the first Institute activity I ever went to where I wasn't checking out girls." Just about as funny as the poor guy in our last ward who told the entire ward he got his wife pregnant on their wedding night."

Sheesh. I WISH.

"Make a somewhat rude remark in an effort to play down Master Fob's attempt to complement me in Sunday School class. Feel bad for quashing his good intentions with my need to draw negative attention to myself."

What is it about us humans that we reject kindness? It's a real problem.

"Decide I enjoy small Sunday School classes the most..."

I haven't been in a small class for so very very long....

"Feel dumb in Relief Society after realizing that I gave the same long-winded comment a few months ago in a similar lesson."

Repetition is the key to getting it through their thick skulls.

"After Relief Society feel a little weird when a sister asks how I am doing and I respond with a big spiel about my thesis. Thankfully she's genuinely interested and knows what I'm talking about, and agrees that Pan's Labyrinth is an excellent movie. She also loves Pedro Almodovar, and I'm too embarrassed to confess that I have yet to see any of his movies for fear of things like transvestite nuns and oversize vaginas (at least that's only in one movie and we aren't planning to watch that one)."

I want to see Pan's so much. And the Almodovar movie I saw had instead a shrinking man who could then climb inside his wife's noraml-sized vagina. It was a pretty good movie. Not so much that I became an Almodovar junkie, but I do want to see Volver.

"Wonder if everyone else goes home from church feeling half spiritually well-fed and half emotionally exhausted from dealing with the social intricacies of Church membership."

That's a tough one to break into pieces but, briefly, more or less, more or less, more or less, more or less.
FoxyJ said…
Ah Theric, it was the one with the shrinking man. I couldn't remember what got bigger and what got smaller. Don't you just love surrealism?

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