Thank you Mister Postman!

I love checking the mail. I never know what kind of fun surprises will be in there to brighten my day. What I really hate, though, is when I'm expecting something to come and it seems to take forever to show up. Today was a very happy day because our mailbox finally delivered some fabulous things:

The last W2 we need for filing our taxes.

Official notification that S-Boogie and Little Dude are switched back to the HMO that covers their doctor. They got switched for a month or so and were assigned to a clinic across town. Um, no thank you.

Insurance card for me and official paperwork. Now I can file a claim for our counseling sessions and get some of our money back. Yay!

New buckle for the baby backpack I got off craigslist the other week. Double yay!

And a thank-you card from Bawb and Ambrosia. It's nice when people are thoughtful like that.

I think I'm going to go make some cookies, so that when Master Fob gets home we can file our taxes online and eat warm chocolate chip cookies at the same time. Mmm...


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