
I keep finding interesting sites and articles and thinking that I want to write a blog post about them, but then I never get around to doing it. So today you get a variety of links that I wanted to pass on and collected in one single post. Enjoy!

Interesting article about energy conservation. Inspired by our insane electric bill for the last two months. Stupid electric heat. Unfortunately we can't do many of the things mentioned in the article since we don't own our apartment, but maybe we will change our light bulbs over and see if that shaves a few dollars off.

My mom wrote a cool post about February. I liked this post and the comments (and I recommend reading Segullah). And my friend Ken wrote a really funny response to that stupid email about Barack Obama.

My sister emailed me a good article about the Muslim world.

I was writing a post about why I don't like Disney Princesses, but this lady said it a lot better than I could.

For some cool ways that people do more good in the world, see here, here, and here

And I tried the sweet bread recipe listed here and it was fabulous! We made monkey bread that was super yummy and I tried the braided bread with cream cheese and strawberry jam. That one was harder to do and the filling got a little lost, but it was pretty tasty too.

Now go read something else and quit wasting your time here!


Earth Sign Mama said…
Just another good reason to stay out of stores...and not have network t.v. I hope I'm not a snob about this. We watched Disney movies, but it was before the Great Marketing Campaign. Plus, I also read the original fairy tales, the ones with the blood and guts. One thing I learned is if you don't make too big a scene out of something you don't really like, innocuous things like the princesses (but make a scene about running into the street)AND you don't nourish it by buying and promoting it to your kid, then often times those things fade away as the next BIG DEAL comes along. This works with little kids---we'll talk about teens in another comment.
Desmama said…
These are some good links. Ken's blog is really funny. I love articulate, witty people. So refreshing.
skyeJ said…
Who do you actually KNOW whose life was ruined because they watched Disney movies and played dress up when they were kids? Please. I still do not get it.

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